From news to commentaries, from weather forecast to traffic, from interviews to talk shows, from press reviews to infotainment. The radio has always been synonymous with news and services to citizens which are no longer exclusive to the public sector and the large commercial broadcasters. There has been a growth in the number and role of web radios and college radios for specific communities and niches. This evolution has been facilitated by the opportunities offered by the Internet and mobile phones, such as cross-media, citizen journalism, replay and sharing of content.

What is the Italian radio situation? What are the best examples and future trends?

We will discuss this issue through data and facts released by the Social Radio Lab research team and the comparison between some FM and some web radio stations that have been able to innovate in the way they produce news thanks to new web and mobile technologies.

SOCIAL RADIO LAB is an online community-laboratory of radio professionals and web and mobile communicators dedicated to news, research and sharing on the evolution of radio communications.

SPREAKER is a web and mobile application that allows all radio amateurs and professionals to create their own web radio and distribute it automatically on all social networks, websites and personal blogs.